

Серьги "Пески времени".

Время текуче как вода и легко уходит в песок....

Стеклянные диски Kimberly Rogers, бронза А.Черных, сваровски, пейзажная яшма, медь.

Есть возможность сделать подобные. Пишите.
Серьги - 7,3см - 1300 руб. 
Диаметр диска - 2см.

2 комментария:

  1. I am so thrilled to finally see what you are doing with my pieces! These are stunning! Your photograph are wonderful in themselves. I'm so happy to know that my components are spread all over the world. Thanks so much, Kim

    1. I'm very glad that you liked it. I'm just starting to work with the pieces. They lie on the table for a long time, I look at them - I admire))) And only then I can do something))).
      (I use online translator, I am sorry if there are errors).
